Are you an AHS neighbor or parent? Do you want to know what is happening on the AHS construction site? There two primary ways to stay informed:
- Weekly Construction Updates email (see below)
- Construction progress videos on our Vimeo channel
Our Construction Updates email list provides weekly detailed updates about construction status. Information includes changes to site access, parking, deliveries, weekly work schedules.
Read all ‘AHS Construction Updates’.
To receive the weekly AHS Construction Updates via email, sign up here.
- Scroll down the page and enter your email address under ‘Subscribe below’. If you already subscribe to a Town email list, click ‘Change eNotification Preferences’ and enter your email address.
- Scroll further to the ‘News’ subscription options.
- Check the box next to ‘AHS Construction Updates’.
Parmenter School updates can be found here.
Notes: AHS Construction Updates are not the same as project eBulletins which will continue to provide general project information on a bi-monthly basis.