Exterior Design Survey Open until 12/2


The AHS Building Committee is requesting community input regarding exterior design, site plan and reuse/recreation of historic elements. This solicitation for feedback is not a public vote for these design elements. Rather, the Committee will consider this feedback along with other factors as they make significant decisions at their December 4th meeting.

Because the committee is on a tight schedule and to avoid project delays, the feedback form will be open for 4 days, closing on Sunday Dec. 2 at 8pm. The form will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

To help you give the most informed feedback:

  • If you missed the Nov. 28 forum, view the forum presentation or watch it on ACMi to gain the full context of the questions being asked.
  • Use a large screen (laptop or tablet) to complete the form, to allow best views of design images.

Give your feedback now


The community’s voice and engagement are valuable and crucial components to the success of this significant project. Again, the Building Committee apologizes for the need for a quick response. Please invite friends and neighbors to participate, and thank you for giving your feedback.

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