The Feasibility Phase of the Arlington High School Building Project began in February 2017 and is anticipated to last 16-20 months. The Feasibility Phase includes the following milestones:
- Forming the Project Team
- Hiring an Owner’s Project Manager
- Selecting a Designer
- Conducting a Feasibility Study
During the Feasibility Study, the Arlington High School Building Committee and Arlington district/school staff work with the MSBA to document Arlington High School’s educational program, generate an initial space summary, document existing conditions, establish design parameters, develop and evaluate alternatives, and recommend the most cost effective and educationally appropriate preferred solution to the MSBA Board of Directors for their consideration.
During this phase, the Arlington’s Owner’s Project Manager will submit, on behalf of the Arlington District and our designer, a Preliminary Design Program and a Preferred Schematic Report. Approval by the MSBA Board of Directors is required for the project to proceed into Schematic Design.
Design Concept Information:
- Preferred Design Concept Chosen (with diagrams)
- Preliminary Construction Phasing Estimates
- AHS Building Committee selects Alternative/Option 3a (Superintendent’s Announcement)
- Updated Design Concepts (HMFH Presentation, June 19)
- Design Concept Handout from June 4 Forum
- HMFH Presentation on Design Concepts (June 4 Forum)
- Building Committee presentation on process, costs (June 4 Forum)
- 4 Preliminary Design Concept Details (site and floor plans)
- Preliminary Evaluation of Alternatives (excerpt from Preliminary Design Program), April 2018
- Original 8 Preliminary Design Alternatives, April 2018
- Community Forum Summaries
- Guiding Principles Evaluation Matrix and Supporting Diagrams, June 2018
- AHS Educational Program (updated), June 2018 (Redacted)
- AHS Space Summary (updated), June 2018
- June Feedback Form Data Summary, June 2018
- Preliminary Sustainability Evaluation Matrix, June 2018
- Evaluation of Existing Conditions Report, March 2018 (Final, Redacted)
- Educational Visioning Report, March 2018 (Redacted)
- Summary of Preliminary Design Pricing (excerpt from PDP), July 2018
- AHS Alternatives Cost Comparison Summary and Tax Impact, July 2018
- Alternatives Cost Comparison Summary, June 2018
- MSBA High School Project Benchmarks, June 2018
- Benchmark Cost Estimate Summary, April 2018
Ponderings Blog Posts:
- What factored into the preferred design concept decision
- Sustainability at the New AHS
- Community Feedback Summary
- Creating the Educational Vision
- Educational Program Summary
- Proposed Spaces within the Future AHS
- 4 Preliminary Designs Concepts Chosen
- Renovation-Only Option Ruled Out
- Alternative Site Evaluation Decision
- What is an Educational Program?
- Feasibility Study Overview
- Role of the Designer
- MSBA’s Designer Selection Process
- Preferred Schematic Report (PSR), July 2018
- Preliminary Design Program (PDP), April 2018
- HMFH Feasibility Study Process Diagram
- MSBA Feasibility Phase