5 At A Glance 5 What’s Happened so far? 5 Cost reduced, items added back, GMP signed

Cost reduced, items added back, GMP signed

December 2020

In December, the Town signed a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) agreement with Consigli Construction that sets the construction budget at roughly $1 million less than the construction cost approved by voters in 2019.

In addition, the AHS Building Committee was able to add back several highly desired items to the project including lighting at the new athletic fields and the Minuteman Bikeway ramp. Furthermore, several HVAC enhancements are now included in the project, such as bipolar ionization and a more robust air filtration system.

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What’s Next:
  • Construction of the two Phase 1 wings (STEAM classroom wing and Performing Arts wing) continues and students and staff are anticipated to move into the new wings in February 2022.
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