5 Blog Post 5 Phase 3 Preview

Phase 3 Preview

November 8, 2023

Phase 3 construction of the new high school began immediately after the opening of Phase 2 and is anticipated to be complete by February 2025. After Phase 3, all facility construction will be finished and only exterior site work remains. 

During this last phase of construction, the athletics wing, outdoor amphitheater, and black box theater will be built. The Red Gym will still be in use for physical education and athletics while the new wing is under construction.

New spaces to be built

During this next phase of construction, the following parts of the new school will be built:

Educational Space Description
The athletics wing consolidates and improves the Physical Education (PE) spaces that support the current program and the 30 athletic teams. 

Athletics Wing (view from field)

Gymnasium The 16,000 sf gym includes a walking track and is large enough to fit the entire student body for assemblies. There are two additional PE spaces, one of which will be a Fitness Center and the other will serve alternative PE programs such as dance, climbing, and Yoga.


Outdoor Amphitheater The amphitheater is located adjacent to the performing arts wing. It is an outdoor performance and event space that will be used for outdoor classrooms, performances, and gatherings.

Amphitheater (view from Schouler Court)

Black Box Theater This 3,000 sf drama classroom is a flexible space to be used by all arts programs for one-act plays, theater classes, and productions (the photo shows a black box theater from another building project)

Project timeline

Phase 3 began in November 2023 and is expected to be complete by February 2025. This phase will include the demolition of Fusco House and the Blue Gym. After demolition is complete, sitework, foundation work and new construction will follow for the Athletics wing, Black Box Theater and exterior Amphitheater. Phase 3 is the final building construction phase. 

Since the new school is being built on the same site as the old school, the complex project encompasses four phases of construction, with estimated completion of the entire project in 2025.

Phase Construction Where do students attend school? When?
1 STEAM & Performing Arts wings Old high school Completed
February 2022
2 Humanities wing, Central Spine, Cafeteria, Library, Preschool, District offices In new STEAM & Performing Arts wings and part of old high school Completed
November 2023
3 Athletics wing In new school plus Red gym November 2023 to February 2025
4 Finish athletic fields and site work In new school February 2025 to September 2025

The weekly Construction Updates provide detailed updates regarding activity on the site as well as progress photos.

Note: Updated June 2024


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